AVA Alums in Metropolitan Opera Live in HD | PRIVATELESSONS.com Articles
AVA Alums in Metropolitan Opera Live in HD
From left to right tenors Stephen Costello, Michael Fabiano and Bryan Hymel and AVA Russian repertoire coach Ghenady Meirson on January 2, 2013.
Metropolitan Opera began transmitting live performances to movie theaters in 2006. I attended one performance at the Met to see a former student. Cameras were everywhere, including unobtrusive moving camera the kind that is used in sporting events.
This is a wonderful innovation that offers an opportunity to opera lovers around the word to experience live performance in high definition in their local movie theater. The verdicts is in and the public loves it.
This week, after my rehearsal of Eugene Onegin at AVA in Philadelphia, I ran into three tenors, all AVA alums. Each sings at the Met each has done HD. Click on each name to read New York Times write-ups. In the photo from left to right are tenors Stephen Costello, Michael Fabiano, Bryan Hymel and, yours truly, AVA Russian repertoire coach Ghenady Meirson.
It is a source of great pride to know that so much wonderful talent graduates AVA and goes on to win the hearts of opera loves worldwide. All these artists are here to stay for a very long time.