Beatboxing Subdivision Challenge | Music Lesson Tips
Beatboxing Subdivision Challenge

Drumming with my mouth and hands. Tricky.
"Matt Murphy Metronome Challenge'
Using quarter note kicks and snares, filling in every subdivision up to 6-tuplets
Using quarter note kicks and snares, filling in every subdivision up to 6-tuplets. It helps if you have a metronome that can do subdivisions itself so you can hear each one. The hardest one, of course is the 5-tuplets. My percussion instructor in college always told me to say "Da-vid-Let-ter-man" in my head (one-two-three-four-five) to help. I don't know why but it totally does help. Also just making sure you're really feeling the big quarter-note. It will help to do it with just counting first instead of making the correct hi-hat/bass-drum/snare sounds.
If you try and drum to this still keep your hi-hat on beat 1 instead of leaving it out like one would beatboxing, I've only seen a few people that can do hat and kick at the same time and one of them is Wes Carrol, former beatboxer for the HouseJacks. I'm not sure he does a whole lot anymore, but his videos from the early 00's are a really great introduction not only to the basic sounds but also the artistic expression one can get out of each sound.
Anyway, good luck! Email me if you actually do it, because I doubt many people will find their way to this page. Thanks!