Bridging Late VS Bridging Early | Music Lesson Tips
Bridging Late VS Bridging Early
Learn to bridge your registers late and early!
There seems to be some debate about the merits of bridging the vocal registers early vs bridging late. Referring to this issue in the context of time, "late" & "early" only tells a small part of the story. It in fact, misses the more important point and the critical information that students of singing really need to know and understand in order to get their heads around this concept once and for all and remove the confusion that is being created in the market place for singing technique services. It is now time to educate properly and inform students of singing what is really going on. The question that needs to be asked is, WHAT is late or what is early? Just the bridge? That makes no sense because the "bridge" is an abstract metaphor that doesn't really exist in reality, so let's talk about real science and facts. What is early or late is the engagement of the intrinsic musculature involved in maintaining a full, connected voice in the head voice, specifically, the TA muscles, interarytenoids and vocalis. So the issue really boils down to how much musculature you decide to engage or maintain through the vocal registers. If you engage more musculature through the vocal registers, you are bridging "late", if you are engaging less, you are bridging early.
Critical to lesson is the understanding that BOTH, register bridging with more musculature and less musculature are perfectly acceptable, favored and are only chosen as a matter of style and personal preference. Although there are other noteworthy voice coaches that would lead you to believe that you have to learn one or the other, at TVS, we insist that you understand and train to do both so that you can have more stylistic options and colors to use as a vocal artist. To Learn more about how to train BOTH early and late bridging techniques;