Improve your guitar playing and increase speed and accuracy | Music Lesson Tips
Improve your guitar playing and increase speed and accuracy

Finger per fret
A simple tip to help with improving your left hand.
The next time you hold your guitar, try this.
Take your fingers and hover over the frets without touching the strings. Make sure you hold the fingers over the frets and make an effort to line them up to each fret. Then as you play a scale or a guitar riff, keep the fingers low to the frets. Don't let your fingers fly into outer space! Remember to HOVER and SLIDE fingers.
Over time you will become used to keeping the fingers lower to your fingerboard. Once you do that, slide your fingers to the next location instead of "lifting" away from the fingerboard. You lose valuable time and waster energy lifting away. At higher tempos, you will notice how this is crucial to keeping your fingers low and sliding across the fingerboard.
In my lessons, I have an extensive amount of written material to help with this.