June 21, 2005

Tell a Genuine Story

Loren West is friend and a talented Rock songwriter and guitarist. His music video was one of the first to appear on early MTV programs.

One afternoon we had lunch at his house. We talked about music, music marketing, Rock School documentary, and mostly, I was nonstop about all the wonderful developments with Before long Loren says, “I want to join.” A few weeks later, I get his voice message. Here is the transcript:

Loren West - Education: B.A. - Music Composition, Hunter College, New York  Offers guitar and songwriting lessons in PhiladelphiaHey Ghena, it’s Loren. How are you doing? Hey man, is kicking butt here. I got more students than I know what to do with, in less than a month. It’s really amazing! I want to give you some feedback. Give me a call when you have a chance. Talk to you later, dude.

I called back saying that I was glad it worked out, and still, how I worry about overselling the network, particularly with friends. Loren replied, “You weren’t selling me. Your enthusiasm did. You know I am a very skeptical guy. experience blew me away.”

I graciously accepted the compliment then turned the tables around. While has the reach, it is the individual stories that excite prospective students. Loren’s message is genuine, easy to understand, and straight to the point. That’s what our market wants.


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