What makes the difference between typical household-made Youtube videos and credible quality videos is the following series of sometimes very subtle factors. It is affordable to follow all these criteria. The expense escalades as the production value goes up, but actual video credibility is not synonymous with Hollywood standards in production values, but with relevance, care, and simple aesthetics.
-Recording the sound separate from the camera.
-Special Lighting.
-Non-distracting background.
-No room/ location background noise.
Recording sound is done via any type of recorder that can be positioned to capture the sound where it sounds best in the room. The camera microphone is not a good location because it is too far from the source and captures way too much room sound.
Camera mics lead non-professionals to incorrectly think that they should be used for video clip production.
Sound and image are NOT the same and do not get captured in the same way. Camera mics are a forced convenience for purely utilitarian lowest quality reference documentation. It is not how film or video audio tracks are made.
Once the shoot is done the audio from the recorder is synched to the camera video via a DAW software program such as Presonus Studio One Pro, or Logic Pro.
For the film editing, simple programs like iMovie are often used. Final cut pro, which was used by the film production company to edit my "Maximum Speed Picking with Ney Mello" DVD is a top pro standard but not a necessity for producing a good clip for Youtube.
The camera audio track is used for reference synching the real audio tracks to the video and then discarded.
Special lighting is covered in a very succinct and detailed manner in this wonderful video by Anders from Norway:
The back ground is everything. That is so because it always determines if the viewer is going to watch your clip or skip it as a non-credible or low credibility effort.
It makes sense to not have a typical messy room background or cluttered shelves and irrelevant objects in the background. They signal that you don't care; That you are very inexperienced; and are not very discerning or organized, which makes people think that you are also not very authoritative or credible either...about anything you may be covering on the video clip.
Avoid small items and piles of paper or books (unless there are very many in a shelf , which act as a texture rather than as distracting items). Avoid beds, bedroom furniture, basement storage backgrounds.
Avoid decorative small objects. A recording studio equipment rack is fine and cool factor because it reads as texture.. A large painting or mosaics in a wall read as high level sophisticated texture. A few small decorative items on a table or behind the speaker, read as distractions and are viewed as careless presentation...
A professional recording studio environment, (private or public) is a very good background because the general public does not have the experience and commitment to afford that very expensive equipment. Prosumer equipment and typical bedroom "home studio" background should be avoided.
Having some good gear is not the same as having real professional gear in a room that is treated for recording or mixing. Inexperienced people can afford good recording gear and typical acoustic foam wall applications but not actual high end.studio equipment and room treatment.
Low cost recording gear in the background signals lack of experience and credibility, as an experienced source of information, and should be avoided if the author desires to be treated as a knowledgeable source of information by the viewer.
A quality viewer has a sense of what is real studio and what they have at home so, it is best to avoid a background that looks like their home studio!.. Go to to a studio to shoot real studio background or use a different type of background.
A warehouse background has cool factor . An old dilapidated house has cool factor ..A typical basement or garage setting does not. Everyone has one, which eliminates the clip's credibility, and it is full of clutter and claustrophobic low ceilings.
Room Noise is a video clip signals lack of credibility, unless the clip is produced, by a world known author, or already established name in the field,answering questions for example about his books or a known professional musician answering questions. Answering fan questions is not the same as producing a specific topic video. The requirements are very different for each type of video, for public acceptance.
Only news clips or documentary films allow for back ground noises to intrude
Have fun with your video shoot!
As one can see it takes a lot specific detail work. to produce a simple youtube clip that is taken seriously. The viewer knows that anyone can do a video, but not anyone can do a credible video that represents something of actual value and real use for the the viewer. And what we call "production value" in the film and music industry is precisely what defines whether the Youtube clip is of interest or not.
There is no need to spend tens of thousands of $ or Euros, but one has to be very selective and precise with all the factors above to avoid the typical signs of bad video production. The attention to all these details is what production value means!
It can be done with very small budgets, but completely following the detail work is crucial.